Welcome to ✨UNITY is from people who aspire awareness of Humantarian aid✨
At BaHons Nana Z Debenham Spiritual Visualiser Artist, we believe in the power of unity and aspire to create awareness around humanitarian aid.
Understanding Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian aid involves providing assistance and support to communities in need, whether locally or internationally. It aims to alleviate suffering, promote human dignity, and help those affected by crises.
How You Can Contribute
There are various ways individuals can volunteer their time and contribute towards humanitarian aid. Whether it's through donations, volunteering at local organizations, or spreading awareness, every effort counts.
✨My own experience in humanitarian aid.
•make shoe boxes for churches to help humanitarian aid for community or overseas.
•Petition for bins poop/trash recycling
•Volinteer as a charity shop assistant
•Volunteer as a befriender
•Volinteer as a teacher assistant in youth groups
•Volinteer for helping cleanup communities
•Vloging/Blogging online for free is a good deed also
•Signing petitions
and so on✨
✨My book contributes towards helping others through a beautiful read in many different ways for individuals perception. Based on reality and not illusion.✨