Portfolio of BaHons Nana Z Debenham Spiritual Visualiser Artist


Spiritual Eyes✨

Throughout history spiritual eyes was always part of ancient cultures to modern interpretations, witness how the concept of spiritual eyes has evolved over generations.

UNITY is a religious movement where it is a cosmic collective consciousness. This means that all religions are part of UNITY within where the beliefs are focusing on.

UNITY is not about forcing religious views or beliefs to use as fixing someone to fit other people's beliefs. People have their freedome to choose by themselves in the form of natural daily routine.

Meditation to relax mind and body. There are lots of different styles of practices that don't involve magic. Natural healing is natural within.

Unfortunately not everyone is going to support your personal development in regards to your beliefs and opinions.

I am born again Christian that means I converted back to being a Christian. Daily prayers are part of my regular routine since a young age. I'm flexible Flexible around prayers depending how on circumstances.Positive affirmations and meditations. I don't believe in stereotyping someone to be forced religion. 

Aspire to do good or Aspire to create falsehoods that creates a chain of negative effects

Be True and be You✨




✨Nana’s work with decoding ancient stone artifacts, Sketches and some photographs ✨


Nana has decoded ancient artifacts by using visual abilities and skills.



✨My sketchbooks also have decoding inside and language. My images are from me and my spiritual connection.✨ The media I use digitally is TikTok effects and I use basic collage app. The extra images are put into their through my spiritual connection this is unexplained phenomena.✨Using natural resources such as oil pastels, acrylics etc and photography all images are natural phenomena put into their unexplained phenomena.✨

✨I have more images that is not on this website including photos with the phenomenon of unexplained mysteries.You see glimpses here of my spiritual connection. Those images are my favourite✨

Aspire to do good